The BBM takeover!

As most of the world is likely aware, Blackberry recently sold the rights to BBM (Blackberry Messenger) for iPhone and Android users to download. Realistically it was only out of the need to survive since Blackberry has slowly been going down the toilet, but they laid the bait and over 20 million smartphone consumers took it. Although I knew about the sale of BBM a few weeks ago, being a business student in Waterloo, I wasn’t aware of the exact date it would be available, that was until I signed onto Facebook one night and my newsfeed was COVERED in people posting their “pins” for their friends to add them to their contact list. Being an unfortunate Blackberry owner, I was over joyed to have some action on my BBM for the first time in years, but then of course came the critisicms.. “It’s just like iMessage, how stupid,” “Thanks, but absolutely not, I’ll stick to iMessage.”.. To all those nay-sayers out there, iMessage only works with iPhone users, now with BBM we can ALL be friends! Don’t get me wrong, I am VERY over my Blackberry, but BBM now being available to all will certainly make the remainder of my stay much more comfortable.