To Follow or Not to Follow: That is the Question

Twitter is a great way to follow the lives of celebrities and get to know them on a personal level. Only problem is, they tweet every 5 minutes! I don’t know about anyone else, but whenever I watch a reality TV show I go on Twitter and look up all of the contestants to follow them. But now every time i go on Twitter, my entire home page is covered in Big Brother, Kardashian, and Jersey Shore news (yes I am ashamed of the last one). Don’t get me wrong, I love a good celebrity tweet, and it’s great to feel as though they are living lives just like us (even though I’m guessing they don’t have car insurance, phone bills and student loans they can’t pay!) but I could definitely use a few less tweets per hour. It gets to be too much and I forget that I have my own friends on Twitter – living, breathing people who I see on a day-to-day basis! So to all celebrity tweeters of the world, please tone it down so we can remember our own lives!