Going viral … You’re doing it right

This is a video of a 10 month old little girl who got emotional everytime her mom would sing her this Sarah Evans song. The mother had noticed she was doing this only to this particular song so she filmed it for her husband to see (who could not believe this story) and eventually uploaded the adorable video to Youtube. The video went viral being spotted on several different social media sites and reaching thousands of views on Youtube. The family from Northern Ontario was event invited to be interviewed on The Ellen Degeneres Show. I would say at the point you have been successful in going viral, good on yah!



Today being Remembrance Day, I thought I would talk about the social media campaign known as #ShowYouRemember where people are encouraged to use Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or Instagram to show how they remember those who fought for our freedom years ago. Whether people want to remember personal connections, a family member or friend, or just simply show their gratitude for all soldiers alike, this campaign allows for both. People have been uploading pictures and videos to various social media sites showing different ways they pay their respects, along with “tweets” or Facebook statuses all using the hashtag #ShowYouRemember. I personally love this campaign and its a great way for people to interact, share their stories and learn of others’ stories as well. In today’s society, social media is key as we all know, and sometimes it can get to be too much. Sometimes we just need to hit the “off” button and put down the technology. However, it is on days like today that social media can actually shine and be used for only good, not bad. Without these sites the ability to share Veterans’ stories and images would not exist, and what a shame that would be. It is important for everyone to take a step back at times and remember how we got to where we are today. Seeing a photo, reading a heart wrenching story, or viewing an emotional video can really make the difference sometimes.  The overwhelming about of times this hashtag has been used today to share ways in which we remember our Canadian soldiers makes me extremely proud to be Canadian. Lest We Forget.

How did you remember today? Share your stories or images with everyone here…


See what others are saying about Remembrance Day:

YouTube Videos That Lift Your Spirits!

Often times we find ourselves falling down the rabbit hole of the internet and land on random websites. Recently this happened to me, yet again, and I stumbled onto a YouTube video that completely made my day. Each year talk show host Jimmy Kimmel invites parents to tell their children they ate ALL their Halloween candy and film their reactions. This years video was so hilarious I watched it three times and laughed histarically each time. Videos like this make me very happy that social media exists today because as they say laughter is good for the soul.

Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK-oQfFToVg

(Word of advice, do not watch this video in a library because you will laugh out loud!)


Social media and fashion, the perfect fit?

  CNBC posted an article on their website on September 9th entitled “Pin, post, tweet it: Vying for Fashion Week’s ‘it’ moment” showing the influence of social media on fashion week. Given the exclusivity of fashion week and the multiple … Continue reading